Friday, March 09, 2007

The Secret of the Rhyme

How does poetry happen? I have written my share of juvenile poems, but they all started out the same way. Find what you want to write about, find words which are relevant, find words that rhyme with them and try to make a sentence. But is that how real poets do it? Or is it like an inspiration? Rhymes and metres just pop into one's head..Is that it?

If I set out to write a silly poem, I can do it as well as the next person, I think.

A girl was so sick of books
That she started writing stuff
She knows she spews nonsense
But to stop the flow is tough.

But the point is, no one ever sets out to write silly poems. Everyone wants to be one of those poets whose poems have one or two words a line, with deep deep meaning which is hard for mere mortals to fathom. About deep dark feelings or mysteries. Ok, lets try that now.

Flowing water
running away
with my
of untold
if dreams
are gone
what remains?
the hope
of a new dream..
to be
washed away
by another stream?

Now, how was that? Reading it again, I am unpleasantly reminded of General Science classes of Soil Erosion. Plus, its not unfathomable. Maybe my thoughts aren't deep enough. Thats sad. I am too shallow to be a poet. And too understandable to be a good one.

After all the nonsensical experiments, my question remains unanswered. What makes feelings come out in rhyme and metre? Ye poets of great repute, I await enlightenment.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey lady!
Dont you have an exam in LIKE a week?
Nice blog though.Long time ago I gave poetry a shot.I came up with a couple of totally ridiculous(read bullshit) lines.Veena and Gauri totally took my ass for it.

4:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

try this:
It was something,something;
something and something,something
something for,something,something
cascades something,something.
Something,something,passion burns;
night something,calls something:
glass shatters something,something something,sensual,something else,
and something, we something,
something,happily ever after.

totally original da!

10:07 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

yeah... i guess all of us sometime or the other fancy poetry... those days I even tht I had unleashed my hidden talent n all :P
but what i wrote then was generally much much better than what u have here... the deep dark poet in me surely can enlighten u!! :D

11:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was that poem introspective..nice attempt though

7:36 AM

Blogger the stygian sailor said...

if the girl is sick of books
then she should learn to cook
if that seems to intense
doesn matter cos even
nonsense makes some sense

2:55 PM

Blogger Vibha said...

@ Vik..Do YOU think that poem was introspective? It wasn't. Not by a long shot.Just an attempt at a pseudo deep thoughtful verse.

9:56 PM


Hi da, the lines u have qoted has lots of meaning. poet doesnt become by just selecting and matching words and arrangingit.

Its In herited or its the gift people have, like shakeshpeare, william wordsworth etc.............

what a comparision of dreams with flowing water, just as the flowing water never stands still your dreams also arises fresh,
old one washes awsay with hopes of new dreams etc.. just one way of concept.

Just for this lines we can quote the meaning a lot of things, It depends how the poet express his feelings.

9:43 AM

Blogger the stygian sailor said...

re @life is a journey with whatever:
have u ever heard of a genre of poetry called NONSENSE verse or limericks or even haiku for that matter?

10:37 AM


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