Reality anyone?
Judging by the websites, a reality show seems to be hogging all the space on all news channels and websites. Apparently, Shilpa Shetty got 'racist' comments on a British show. I am still foggy with what the show is about, but I know all about who abused whom and what words they used. So what have we here? A publicity stunt? "Exposure of the nasty underbelly of racism"? A celebrity wannabe taking the quick and dirty way to make some press? I think the producers went too far with a publicity gimmick and it ended up being an international issue.
What I ask is, what is the big deal? Actress goes on a show. Doesn't have a pleasant time. Period. Why are a million people sending anti-racism letters to the producers?And the so called slurs seem to be ill chosen and ridiculous anyway. Like all countries, we have our shortcomings. Pick on a genuine one! Cooking food with hands and being thin.That is offensive!! And calling Shetty a dog-wow! That was brilliant. Maybe we should really make a fuss and levy sanctions on the UK. Stop the Tur Dal exports, I say! And patent Chicken Tikka Masala and don't let 'em have the recipe!! That will teach them!
The British people seem to have used this to go on a voyage of self discovery. Are they racist deep deep deep down? Do they have enough cross cultural tolerance? Well maybe the real question to ask is, are they so hard up for amusement?
The only sensible reaction I can find is that of the Indian press and public. Barring a few people(Notably, Shetty's mom who seems to milking this for all its worth), we dont seem overly concerned with the issue and I even detect a note of amusement in the Indian tabloids when they describe the extreme reactions of the British. People falling over themselves to apologize to us. Thats a new one.While they are at it, maybe they can apologize for having enriched us with their pleasant company for two centuries. But that was not a serious issue. Nor is the Koh-i-Noor theft. But this is. Oh yes!
On second thoughts maybe the issue is not a total loss. A lot of people seem to be profiting from it. First, me. I got a blog out of it. Second, Shilpa Shetty. She is getting to be everyone's poor little 31 year old girl. Third, the British people. They finally have something pleasant to look at in the papers. And finally, all Indians. We get to curl an amused lip at our Angrez friends and say, "Come up with something a little better than that!"
nice one. especially stopping thur dhal exports is the way to go .i liked the name shilpa pappadam especially.-
6:37 PM
Well Said..Call it publicity stunt or corporate bureaucracy or whatever.. why are n number of people wasting time on trivial matters..There are lots of issues to be addressed like economic stability, literacy, poverty etc in india.which really need publicity..Wish people become more reasonable and responsible.
11:30 PM
totally agree with u. infact the print media here replaced the story following the investigations of the 'Nithari killings' with weepy pics of miss Shetty. while tsunami survivors were having their kidneys stollen and the ULFA was out massacering scores of innocent people; all that our dear countrymen (and women) cud think of was; Big B(r)other !!
10:45 AM
Why blame the west for being racist? Aren we racists ourselves.. call the tamilians KONGS, the telgu speakers GULTS, ETC.. BONG, DINGS AND what not,,the huge volumes of sardarji jokes,,funny they are.. but are totally racist in every way
1:21 PM
Did any one forget ABCD, and for american born chinese - BANANA- yellow on outside and white on inside a desi friend of mine explained.HMMM...I plead guily for using KONGS,GULT, Illar,tambram. I feel Indians are the most rascist society
6:47 AM
so lets accept the fact that we are racists and yenjoy the sardarji jokes
1:10 PM
indian media was also in hyper-active mode over this one!!! specially our good old TOI!!!
2:01 PM
nice..........the moral of the story will start something like this .....'shilpa shetty was the cynosure of all eyes as she was the target of racist comments from various corners. She stood tall, handled it with dignity and deserved to win'. ROFL! Whatta loada crap! Bari olu.
2:06 AM
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