Sunday, December 24, 2006

Re-starting trouble

Why the long silence? Petrified out of my guts, thats why. Talk about having too much on one's plate! Studying for exams to be written immediately, studying for exams to be written next year(No, this is not some stupid New Year wisecrack). Getting freaked out by geeky juniors getting perfect scores.

I am trying to write this without having the word pop up. But unless I can do a JK Rowling and refer to it as 'you know what' or something, its not gonna leave me alone. USMLE. There! I said it. To the people blissfully unaware of what this means, its an exam.One in which every Tom, Dick and Harry gets a 99. that doesn't mean its easy to get that. Oh no!! It just means you dont get any extra credit if you do get a 99. And if you dont, you are looked upon as someone barely fit to inhabit the planet.Well, thats what I may be in a years time when I finish with the three exams which last 7+ hours.

The uncertainty is what kills me. I know thats true of every exam but other exams last a day. This one is three exams, over a year. Ok, the sympathy letters can go to my google account which, I find, has linked up with Blogger also(Anyone else feel that google is taking over the earth?)

Ok , if you are saying why write a blog after a gazillion years to crib about exams which wouldnt interest anyone ,I would agree. But I did NOT write this to crib.Got you there, didn't I?
After making enough circles around the topic to satisfy a politician, I will come to the point. "In a world filled with uncertainties, there has dawned one ray of hope". Strangely ,my point seems to have been summed up in a sentence which seems like a TV advert of a B Grade thriller movie.Nevertheless, I will elaborate.The ray of hope(hold your breath) was Harry Potter Book 7 announcement. I hear the jeers(aaand, now we have poetry). Well, seriously. The book is sure to come out some time.It sounds good with Deathly Hallows and everything.And its the only sure thing on the horizon.She cant very well back out after announcing the title, can she? Well, to people who are still jeering about the childishness of reading HP books, sucks to you.I know you always wanted to read one, but never got round to doing it, then it was too late and now you console yourself by talking about 'Childishness'. Reaction formation. Thats what its called if I have my technical details right. If I dont, its also called Sour Grapes.

After the attack against unseen enemies, we will come back to the other amusing interludes. Being stuck in a cricketless nation is hard. But Google videos does make up for some stuff(I will NOT tell you how much Google pays me for these built-in ads). I saw the video with Sreeshanth doing the jig after hitting that six off Andy Nell( Is that spelt right?). Harsha Bhogle called it 'refreshingly rural'. It was more. In your face South Africa!!

Christmas is here and yet what I have written so far hardly seems to reflect any Chrismas Spirit. Well, someone has to make the season interesting!

P.S: The title just says what I felt after reading what I had written.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

happened to stumble upon ur blog.. interesting..ahem ... Exams , If thats unbearable then wait till you get to work.. I gather from ur profile that ur a Doc..and really feel that PATIENCE IS THE ELIXIR OF A DOCTOR ....

I normally sign anonymous .. but ..

8:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me again .. Reading thru your blogs .. Andre ,he was a phenomenon indeed...Good one ..u are a very interesting personality .. lemme see what all can I uncover from ur blogs !!!


9:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

excuse me .. I had to write this one..I aggree with what u said abt US seeming Indianish or is it the vice-versa..
but I beg to differ on one though ..Second generation ABCD's...Its that these people,I really pity them, are just devoid of the true cultural gems and traits of India.. I am sure if they are to experience the true indianess they would vow to be Indian than Amerus..


3:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is bad .. I expected u to bounce back with some comment..


5:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strange enough.. I expected u to bounce back with some comment..


5:44 AM

Blogger Vibha said...

Whos is Vik now? Well I am afraid I disagree with you about second geenration Indian-americans. They are often very culturally sophisticated and they have a lot of awareness. I have met a lot of them and I have found myself wanting in knowledge about the arts and sciences of india. I dont think it really makes a difference where you were born as long as you have enough curiosty. the rest is just geography.

12:15 PM

Blogger Keshav said...

Expected you to hit back .. and u did,brilliantly .. Its very funny or is it unfortunate that Indians, who come here just get impressed by the very 'materialistic' approach of these Americans. And some, like u call them culturally sophisticated.. I do aggree with the fact that they are knowledgeable .. then again the depth to their knowledge is shallow..

And it was a surprise to see u on soumyas freindlist.. If thats u !!

10:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey!... good to see u back frm hibernation! guess 7 degrees below zero does warrant such a long siesta! well... if u thought ur exams are tough; try this : to finish ur 1yr's syllabus in 3mths, instead of 7+ hrs exam; to have ur fate decided in 3hrs and to top it all a kid brother who knows the Harrison by-heart! so dont expect any sympathy frm me!
sour grapes.. eh??? it's ur blogspot so i guess u have the liberty to take a cheap-shot at anybody. but i still believe that Eregon is more mature than HP!

1:52 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Its like a Boxing bout!! Just remember that you have to be in the ring till the end, no matter how hard u are getting hit in the process. But the good thing is you will not be subjected to a complimentary CT scan at the end of it !!

9:26 PM

Blogger the stygian sailor said...

have heard of the new HP BOOK
Harry Potty and the filthy marsh mallows where potty dies after eatin poisoned marshmallows on hogfarts express, how clever of pole-de-vault to kill potty so that we can blissfully have no more of those

8:28 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hahaha! Google is indeed becoming Pacman. Don't be surprised if you see a mail in your box tomorrow, asking if they could tie up with you and sponsor your blog!

8:31 AM

Blogger Gauri said...

half of the times people who hate you hate you because they cant get you to like them. i believe and like this piece. but sadly it makes you the sour grape.

10:58 AM


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