"... And the choice you make, between hating and forgiving can become the story of your life."
Shantaram, my latest inspiration and the one of the most profound ones so far.
A friend of mine has this book. I asked to borrow it. He, normally a generous guy, refused. Asked the reason, he said that he was very attached to that book and that he thought I should get my own copy. " Kanjoos," I thought, "how attached can you get to a book written by a self confessed dope addict and gangster?" Turns out, he was right.Intrigued by his attitude, I bought the book, and now I am hopelessly in love with Gregory David Roberts, the author.
They now have a 'Shantaram tour' in Mumbai. That says it all doesnt it? Out of the countless people who have written about Bombay, the list including many prominent Indian writers, they pick an Australian guy's book and show off Bombay from his point of view.And what a point of view it is!! All of us have seen the slums of Bombay, the dirt that has settled on the apartments, the corruption,the people and their seeming callousness. We at best have come up with excuses to justify the state of Bombay. But has anyone of us said"The dishonest bribe is the same in every country,but the honest bribe is in India alone."? Has any one of us fallen in love with the slums? If I have, atleast on print,it is only because Shantaram has taught me how.
Who does not love praise? And what greater praise than these lines? "The simple and astonishing truth about India and Indian people is that when you go there, and deal with them, your heart always guides you more wisely than your head. There's nowhere else in the world where thats quite so true."Given an unlimited leash on space , time and attention span, I would quote the whole book. But, dont worry , Thats not going to happen. Like my wise friend before me, I am going to let you discover the joy that is Shantaram. It is like falling in love, the most common experience , but unique and personal for each one of us.
The experience of several lifetimes crammed into a little more than a decade-this is the impression the book leaves on me. I thought my life was devoid of incident. Now I realize, each minute is a story. If I choose to see it. If I choose to look at the beauty.If i choose to look at the ugliness and make even that beautiful.