Tuesday, June 06, 2006

essentially me

Wokay, the first one is gonna be full show off. And what do i have to show off ??I go to the gym these days..regularly too.Every single morning! well, set aside the fact that its not Talwalkers( the discount at that place is 3000 bucks.How much do they bloody charge??) and its called " Essentially You", AND is a bit small AND has a scary cat blocking the doorway everyday AND has a questionable music system(yo, whats with the deprecating smile? atleast I am fit , Your Chubbiness.)

Talking about music systems(why am I linking the paragraphs?its MY blog. I can be totally disconnected), I come to this stupid question bugging me.What kind of music should be played at the gym, ideally?If anyone gives me the 'one, two, three 'routine or "aerobic" remixes of songs that were lousy in the first place, I will A. Scream bloody murder, B.resign myself to a life of rotundity rather than listen to something which sounds like cats fighting.

Well, should the music be fast and beaty(is that a word?)Would the fast rhythm really make people do rhythmic exercise or enjoy the push ups more? I can imagine everyone doing a Michael Flatley on the treadmill.Not too easy on the eyes..and lots of potential for orthopedic disasters..ok we shall banish the beats. And we will not even bring up soothing nature music cuz Hello!! we struggled enough to wake up and go to the gym, this is gonna be like an invite to relapse into unconsciousness. Classical music being not everyone's cuppa tea, what will we play?I think the answer is Himesh Reshammiya. Before you feed me to the dogs, I shall explain.
Well, the people who love him(you poor lost souls who crawl the earth waiting for the end) will obviously enjoy the nasal disaster, and the people who hate him will work out exxtra hard cuz the motivation to build enough muscle to kill that blot on the horizon will provide surges of adrenaline like there is no tomorrow..There!! problem solved! Essentially You is going for The Nose from tomorrow.

All Himmesh haters-my comment box is yours
All Hiimesh lovers-Please leave a comment, we want to mark you guys out for future elimination


Blogger siddharth said...

way to vibha. but dont feed himesh to dogs. they will puke. have mercy on them. also i see that u hate tallwalkers as much as u hate himesh

12:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you got it right vibha, the topiwala is out to put topi on everybodys scalp...seems to have something stuck up his nose....any guesses?

3:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wokay??? So, what do we have here? An erstwhile couch-potato who has finally decided to loose the tyre,but is now screaming out 'sour grapes' because the grass is greener on the other side!And is now back on the couch to 'frame' this howler of a blog! Instead of strutting your stuff for the world to laugh at why dont u just 'essentially be'!

10:44 PM

Blogger Vibha said...

siddharth, vishwas, thank u thank u.
now to deal with jay..who has been strutting his stuff a little too publicly.and the indolent-insolent witticism is a little tooo obvious. expected better things.

11:45 PM

Blogger thotaster said...

Straying away from the nasal wonder..and stumbling on to the Lord of the Dance...I wonder whether Michael Flatley would himself dare a jig on the treadmill? ;-)

12:10 AM

Blogger aNNa Bond said...

Thats an interesting explanation for not hating something which almost the whole world hates !

Bravo Bravo !

well few cents from myside...there should be a frequency limit though ;) Else it will only be pleasant to the cannine phylum !

PS: The above mentioned views are from aNNa Bond only and hence cannot be challenged in the court of law ;) coz me has the license to criticize !

6:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well .. If himmmesshh(try saying this in a nasal tone) is that bad .. then wat say about Udit , Mukesh and off late Kumar Sanu ,who has developed some kind of chronic naso-throatal disorder...


4:05 PM


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